Free, Libre and Open Source Software for Geospatial Analysis and Modeling

by members of NCSU OSGeoREL


Integrating FOSS into GIScience Curriculum & Research

Helena Mitasova, Vaclav Petras, Anna Petrasova, Brendan Harmon, Ross K. Meentemeyer, Center for Geospatial Analytics, NCSU

At the Center for Geospatial Analytics at NC State University, we develop innovative software, applications, and educational materials for open source geospatial analytics and GIS with a special focus on environmental modeling, geovisualization, space-time simulations, and multi-temporal LiDAR data analysis. With open source geospatial tools, we investigate environmental assessment and sustainable land management applications, study the dynamics and vulnerability of coastal regions to investigate the impact of land use change on soil erosion and deposition, and identify locations with high solar energy potential. We also explore new techniques for interacting with geospatial data, such as tangible geospatial modeling, which when coupled with GRASS GIS supports collaboration, decision-making, and education. Free and open source software ensures the freedom to use our tools for any purpose, to review and change the underlying algorithms, and to share the tools with the research community and general public.

presentation slides

UCGIS webinar, November 11, 2015