assigns the higher resolution cell the same value as the nearest lower resolution cell
resulting raster has only the values present in the input raster
Increasing resolution: continuous
Elevation at 30m resolution resampled to 10m resolution
Nearest neighbor creates "flats" in the resampled DEM, interpolation preserves smooth surface.
See equations for bi-linear interpolation
Increasing resolution: discrete
Geology at 30m resolution resampled to 10m resolution
Raster values are classes of observed geology
Increasing resolution: compare
Effect of resampling / reinterpolation on the results
More complex downscaling techniques using additional variables and machine learning
may be needed if the difference in resolution is large
Decreasing resolution
Continuous data: nearest neighbor, average, min, max, or re-interpolation is used
Nearest neighbor resampling of 10m DEM to 30m and 20m DEMs
Decreasing resolution
Discrete data: nearest neighbor resampling, mode (most common or majority class)
Nearest neighbor resampling of 10m soil typemap to 30m and 20m maps
Modifying vector data
Converting vector data type
lines to points, areas to lines or points
points to lines: network building or interpolation may be needed
usually preserves the shape
simplifying geometry while preserving important information
both data geometry and type can be modified
line to simplified line, polygon to simplified polygon or point
selecting subset of features
important when combining local, state and national scale data
Changing vector data type
Data geometry is not modified,
but subset is extracted and stored in a different data structure
Topology building is required for conversions point to line, line to polygon
Conversion between data models
vector to raster
continuous: spatial interpolation (covered by a separate topic)
discrete: nearest neighbor
raster to vector
continuous: point sampling, isolines
discrete: nearest neighbor, grid center or boundary
Continuous: vector to raster data
Spatial interpolation is used to compute raster representation from point measurements
Discrete: vector to raster data
lines, areas: nearest neighbor
areas: attribute value applies to the entire polygon