Helena Mitasova
GIS/MEA582 Geospatial Modeling and Analysis NCSU
Current revolution in mapping technologies:
continuous data collection anywhere by anyone
Emergence of autonomous platforms: air, ground, water
Numerous satellite and airborne platforms and sensors, for example:
Learn in GIS512 Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing
Satellite and airborne platforms and sensors, examples:
See overview of Remote Sensors by NASA
Learn in GIS512 Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing
SRTM and LANDSAT example for Panama:
Images and data by NASA and NCSU MEAS
PLANET images for Jockey's Ridge change between September 2017 and July 2018 mapped at 3m resolution:
Data by planet.com
Lidar and orthophoto example for NCSU fields - sub-meter resolution mapping:
Most current systems combine active and passive sensors
3D construction site mapping at cm resolution using small unmanned aerial system (drone)
Mapped in 2021 by William Reckling, NCSU graduate student
NCSU GeoForAll Lab 3D models from UAS on sketchfab,
learn in GIS584 Mapping and Analytics Using UAS
Airborne orthophoto compared with on-ground mobile 360 degree camera streetview
Credits: Orthphoto from NC One Map, Ground-based image from Google streetview
Terrestrial lidar: monitoring eroding stream bank at mm resolutions
Credits: Photo and data by Nathan Lyons, NCSU graduate student, 3D model by Helena Mitasova
Widespread GPS enabled technology:
Time spent by a group of people along a guided tour, displayed over a lidar-based DSM, learn more in Mitas et al., 2020
Acquired data are transformed into georeferenced, discrete representations of landscape features
Georeferenced data: location on Earth is represented in a Coordinate Referenced System (CRS)
geoid -- ellipsoid -- latitude/longitude
Projected reference systems (there are many):
geoid -- ellipsoid -- developable surface -- plane -- x,y
Map projection transitions Cartographic projections by Furuti
Defined by:
NAD83 and NAVD88 to be replaced with North American Terrestrial Reference Frame (NATR2022) and North American-Pacific Geopotential Datum of 2022 (NAPGD2022)
International Organization of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP) Surveying and Positioning Committee, established standard for CRS definition with assigned EPSG codes (initiated by European Petroleum Survey Group - EPSG)
Find the codes and CRS representation in many formats here epsg.io Example: EPSG:4326 WGS84 used in GPS, or at Spatial Reference website
Transition to ISO WKT 19162:2018 international standard notation (WKT:well known text, text markup language)
Most common in on-line mapping systems:
EPSG statement
We have reviewed the coordinate reference system used by Google, etc.
and believe that it is technically flawed. We will not devalue the EPSG dataset by
including such inappropriate geodesy and cartography.
In 1989, North American professional geographic organizations
called for a ban on all rectangular coordinate maps (especially Mercator).
World map in Pseudo Mercator with massive distortions farther from the equator, compared with Winkel-Tripel projection with more realistic representation
Pseudo Mercator was eventually included as
EPSG 3857
- it is not recommended for professional work
Geospatial data often come in different CRS, e.g.:
Coordinate transformations
x,y -> longitude, latitude -> x’,y’
often performed on-fly, may be inaccurate and time consuming