Open Source Geospatial Foundation


Helena Mitasova, Vaclav Petras, Anna Petrasova

NCSU GeoForAll Lab at Center for Geospatial Analytics

with contributions by OSGeo community

a 21st century organization

Free, Open, Self-organizing, Global

What is OSGeo

  • OSGeo is a not-for-profit software foundation

    providing organizational, legal, and financial support for projects

  • OSGeo is volunteer driven

    Passionate membership of individuals from around the world.

  • OSGeo promotes adoption of open geospatial technology

    Partnerships on open approach to software, standards, data and education.

OSGeo history

  • Established in 2006 at a meeting in Chicago, IL with financial support from AutoDesk

  • Driven by need to organize and navigate rapidly growing field of open source geospatial projects

  • Founding members: leading open source geospatial projects - GDAL, Mapserver, QGIS, GRASS GIS, PostGIS

Supporting Open Source

Software development

OSGeo projects

Projects are the OSGeo core focus

25 graduated through a rigorous incubation:

  • Web Mapping: deegree, Geomajas, GeoMoose, Geoserver, mapbender, mapfish, MapServer, MapGuide Open Source*, OpenLayers, PyWPS

  • Desktop: GRASS GIS, gvSIG Desktop, Marble, QGIS Desktop

  • Libraries: GDAL/OGR, GEOS, GeoTools, OSSIM, Orfeo ToolBox

  • Spatial Database, metadata catalogs, other: GeoNetwork, GeoNode, OSGeoLive, PostGIS, pycsw

OSGeo projects

15 Community projects, 6 are in incubation (*):

  • Libraries: Proj6, pgRouting, Pronto Raster

  • Web Mapping: istSOS*, ZOO-project*, Oskari*, GeoWebCache, GC2/Vidi

  • Desktop: OSGeo4W, Optics*

  • Other: MetaCRS*, Loader, GeohealthCheck, Portable GIS, TEAM Engine*

OSGeo projects governance

Project highlights from 2018 meeting

Code sprints

  • OSGeo budget supports code and community sprints
  • Collaborative sprints with multiple projects
  • Community sprints associated with FOSS4G conferences
  • Code sprints organzied by projects

Sign up for OSGeo community sprint 2019! May 14-17, Twin Cities, MN

Community sprint at FOSSGIS 2017

Google Summer of Code


  • OSGeo serves as umbrella organization for projects
  • Smaller open source geospatial projects can also join
  • 12 years, 150+ students ($750,000 +)
  • mentors work for free, get to visit Google headquarters



  • OSGeo serves as umbrella organization for project participation in Google code-in
  • Fostering pre-university student participation in OSGeo
  • 2 years, 649 small tasks for 11 OSGeo projects

Google Season of Docs-in

OSGeo Community

OSGeo membership

Open, free membership:

  • 5600+ members registered on wiki,
  • 50000+ OSGeo mailman server unique subscribers
  • 390 elected charter members: developers, activists
  • charter members elect the board of directors
http://bl.ocks.org/jsanz/raw/779f9b9954b92461fa50/ by Jorge Sanz

Local chapters

  • 30 + local chapters all over the world
  • organize meetups, conferences, code sprints
  • report at Annual General Meeting at Global FOSS4G
  • manage translations of documentation

Beyond software

OSGeo works with partners to support and promote

  • Open Source:collaborative software development.
  • Open Data: free access to geospatial data
  • Open Standards: avoid lock-in, use interoperable software
  • Open Education: learning and teaching without barriers
  • Open Science: Share data, software, publications
  • MoUs with 13+ organizations

Conferences: Global

Annual global FOSS4G conference travels around the world

FOSS4G 2019: Bucharest, Romania

FOSS4G 2020: Calgary, Canada

Conferences: regional

Organized by local chapters, rapidly growing

15+ regional FOSS4G / OGRS conferences per year

  • FOSS4G North America, April 2019, San Diego
  • FOSS4G Europe, July 2018, Guimarães, Portugal
  • FOSS4G Asia, December, 2018, Sri Lanka

  • FOSS4G BE, Brussels
  • FOSS4G Hungary
  • GFOSS Italy
  • FOSGIS Germany
  • FOSS4G SE USA (Knoxville, TN)
  • FOSS4G Finland
  • OSGeo Irish Local chapter symposium
  • SIG Libre Spain
  • FOSS4GNL Groningen NL
  • FOSS4G-JP Hokkaido
  • OSGeo Africa
  • QGIS conference

Sessions at major conferences

  • Participation at major scientific and technology conferences
  • Open geospatial sessions, workshops, townhalls
  • ISPRS, ICC, AGU, EGU, ...
  • MoUs with several organizations


OSGeo educational initiative

Global network of academic research and education laboratories and government/industry partners

Mission and goals

Making geospatial education and opportunities accessible to all

  • Create research and teaching opportunities in open geospatial science

  • Build global open access teaching and research infrastructure

  • Establish collaborations between academia, government and industry around open geospatial science and education

How it started

Founded in 2011: MoU between OSGeo and the International Cartographic Association (ICA)
Georg Gartner and Arnulf Christl, renewal in 2015 with Jeff McKenna

More MoUs

International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) signed in 2014.

University Consortium for GIScience (UCGIS) signed in 2016

Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE) signed in 2017


Map of the labs 2012

12 labs in 2012

Map of the labs 2017

over 100 labs globaly in 2017

Education initiatives

  • open access educational material based on free and open source geospatial software and data

  • free and open source curricula, courses, and workshops

  • OSGeo Educational Content Inventory

  • Teaching areas for some labs are listed on wiki - add yours https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/ICA_OSGeo_Lab_Teaching_areas

Education initiatives

  • teacher training and school education interest group: Elzbieta Woloszynska-Wisnievska, Adrian Manning

  • UN initiative https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/UnitedNations_Committee

  • open source GIS certificate U Colorado Denver

  • GeoAcademy, open access on-line courses
    fossgeo.org: 10000+ learners enrolled in 4 years


  • research projects developing methods, algorithms and tools for open geospatial science and applications

  • development and contributions to open geospatial software, data

  • organizing and participating in community sprints



  • 8 webinars since summer 2016,
  • selected webinars joint with UCGIS and ASPRS CaGIS
  • Interested to present? Contact Rafael.Moreno@ucdenver.edu

http://www.geoforall.org/webinars/ YouTube channel


  • Special topics, open access journal issues
  • FOSS4G academic sessions proceedings,
    new in 2017 - OSGeo Journal published through UMass library system http://scholarworks.umass.edu/foss4g/
  • On-line publications
  • Books

How to participate in GeoForAll

Three types of participation:

  • members of the global network: academic labs
  • partners from industry/government/nonprofit partner
  • MoU for international professional organizations

Where to find member labs

Wiki http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Edu_current_initiatives

  • member table with links to labs

  • education and research topics

  • will be maintained to keep track of invited labs

Where to find member labs

New Website http://osgeo.org/geo-for-all-labs/

Where to find courses

New Website >> Resources

Submit yours through a new form

Geospatial FOSS at NCSU


  • graduate course development using Geospatial FOSS
  • research
  • active participation in OSGeo projects
  • Geospatial Studios

Course material

  • Freely and openly available online


  • Managed in GitHub for revision control and collaboration
  • Format: HTML/HTML5, License: CC BY-SA
  • Registered in OSGeo Educational Content Inventory

Petras, V., Petrasova, A., Harmon, B., Meentemeyer, R.K., Mitasova, H. Integrating Free and Open Source Solutions into Geospatial Science Education. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2015, 4, 942-956. doi:10.3390/ijgi4020942

Tangible Landscape

Tangible interface for GRASS GIS

Book: Petrasova, A., Harmon, B., Petras, V., Mitasova, H. Tangible Modeling with Open Source GIS, Springer International Publishing, 2015.


New interactiveGeoForAll Labs map


Thank you Barend Köbben, ITC-University of Twente