$O_{ij}^{t}$ is the state of cells in its neighborhood
$R$ represents transition rules
note that $\Delta t$ is small
Game of life
Developed by Conway in 1970, the game has the following simple rules:
Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by underpopulation.
Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
The resulting pattern is dependent only on the initial configuration:
example of emergence and self-organization leading to many
surprising evolution patterns
Game of life examples
Game of life in wikipedia: from simple
still lifes and oscilators to complex and surprising evolution
Gosper glider by Kieff, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Geospatial cellular automata
initial state is based on land use data, usually from RS or GIS
rules are derived from socio-economic data and interactions between humans and environment
models are calibrated and validated using time series of land use data
Tobler's Detroit growth model
Cellular automata model with the spread rate estimated from actual population growth data 1930-1960.
W. R. Tobler (1970) A Computer Movie Simulating Urban Growth in the Detroit Region,
Economic Geography, 46:sup1, 234-240, DOI: 10.2307/143141
In this paper Tobler invoked his famous first law of geography:
"everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things."
SLEUTH urban growth model
couples Urban Growth Model and Land Cover Deltatron Model
SLEUTH is an acronym for inputs: Slope, Land Cover, Excluded, Urban, Transportation, Hillshade
Urban areas behave like a living organism trained by transition rules:
class to class transition matrix derived from 2 LU maps
time series of 4 urban maps is used for calibration
parameters derived from past growth: dispersion, breed, spread, slope resistance, road gravity
growth types: diffusive, new spreading center, organic, road influenced
accounts for location, quantity, pattern of change
positive feedbacks (new development attracts more development)
allows spatial non-stationarity
FUTURES output
simulates where and when undeveloped cells (green) will turn into developed cells (shades of orange)
Numbers represent the year when the cell was developed since the start of simulation:
-1: undeveloped, 0: initial development, 1: developed in the first year, …
Modeling framework
Demand submodel
estimates the rate of per capita land consumption for
each subregion
extrapolates between historical changes in population and land conversion
inputs are historical landuse, population data, population projection
output is land area that needs to be developed each year to satisfy the demand
driven by the population growth
Demand scenarios
y = Ae^{BX} \\
y = A + Bx \\
y = A + B ln(x) \\
y = A + B ln(x - C) \\
y = (1 - e^{-A(x - B)}) + C
Demand: population decline
demand submodel designed for regions with population growth
FUTURES doesn't simulate cell de-conversion: here it would simulate zero new cell conversions
even with population decline, impervious areas can increase
Modeling framework
Potential submodel
development suitability is estimated using multilevel logistic regression which
accounts for variation among subregions
inputs are uncorrelated predictors e.g., distance to roads, distance from existing development, slope, ...
Example predictors: distance to lakes, development pressure dependent on distance from developed areas
(orange: developed areas, green: undeveloped areas)
Development pressure
Feedback between predicted change and change in subsequent steps
Predictor based on number of neighboring developed cells within search distance,
weighted by distance: gravity model
$state_k$ indicates whether neighboring cell $k$ is 1 or 0 (developed or undeveloped)
$d_{ik}$ is distance between cell $i$ and neighboring cell $k$
$\gamma$ controls the influence of distance between neighboring cells
Development pressure
Surface represents the development pressure, color is the initial development
Development pressure 1992
Development pressure 2011
Potential submodel
Predicts development potential for each cell as a function of predictor variables
using multilevel logistic regression
s_i = a_{j,i} + \sum_{h=1}^{n} \beta_{j, i, h} \, x_{i, h}
$j$ is the level
$h$ is a predictor (e.g. development pressure, slope, ...)
$n$ is the number of predictor variables
$a_{j,i}$ is intercept
$\beta_{j, i, h}$ is regression coefficient
$x_{i, h}$ is the value of $h$ at cell $i$
To grow patches the development potential $s_i$ for cell $i$
is converted to development probability $p_i$
p_i = \frac{e^{s_i}}{1 + e^{s_i}}
Potential submodel: workflow
stratified random sampling of predictors and response variable (developed/undeveloped raster)
multilevel logistic regression to relate cell suitability factors (predictors)
to its development potential for each subregion
use the regression coefficients to compute the development potential
and development probability surface
Modeling framework
Patch Growing Algorithm
stochastic algorithm
converts land in discrete patches
inputs are patch characteristics (distribution of patch sizes and compactness)
derived from historical data
Historical urban development data: 1992
Historical urban development data 2001
Historical urban development data 2006
Historical urban development data 2011
Patch Growing Algorithm
pick randomly a seed cell $i$
seed is established if $p_i$ > random number
randomly pick patch size
grow patch
add neighbors ($p_j$) to a list and sort it based on $p_j / d_{ij}^c$, where $d_{ij}$ is distance from $i$ and $c$ is compactness value
pick first neighboring cell and try to add it to the patch if $p_j$ > random number
if added, add surrounding neighboring cells to the list
repeat until the patch size is met
recompute development pressure
Patch Compactness
Scenarios: Incentive power
Transforms probability $p_i$ to $p_i^x$ to simulate infill vs. sprawl
Constraint parameter: zones with decreased probability of development
$$P_{new} = P . C, \quad C \in \langle 0, 1\rangle $$
Stimulus parameter: zones with increased probability of development
$$P_{new} = P + S - P.S, \quad S \in \langle 0, 1 \rangle$$
Information flow diagram for the set of FUTURES modules