4. Mass transport and landscape evolution
4.B Mass transport
Outline:- mass transport processes
- geospatial modeling of mass transport
- methods for erosion modeling
- applications for land use management
Slides- Slides for the recorded lecture, the video recording of the lecture is available through Moodle
- GIS-based Soil Erosion Modeling Mitasova H., Hofierka, J., Harmon R.S., Barton M.C., Ullah, I. 2013 Treatise on Geomorphology, Remote Sensing and GIScience in Geomorphology 3 , or access this pdf, describes theory for USLE, USPED, r.sim.sediment, r.landscape.evol
- Soil erosion modeling Tangible Modeling book, Chapter 8, shows USPED with TL
- r.sim.terrain: a landscape evolution model with dynamic hydrology, explores RUSLE3D, USPED, SIMWE for short term landscape evolution modeling
- LandLab
- Landlab wiki tutorial
- Molinari M, Cannata M, Begueria S and Ambrosi C 2012 GIS-based Calibration of MassMov2D. Transactions in GIS, 2012, 16(2):215-231 (r.massmov, debris flow simulation tool)
Assignment part 4.A
Evaluate impact of landuse change scenarios on mass transport process- Erosion modeling assignment from GIS582, video recording is available through Moodle
- Optional: Sediment transport by overland flow using path sampling method implemented in GRASS GIS as r.sim.sediment, see the last section in case you already did the water simulation part (you will need it as input).
If you are interested in geomorphology you can run landlab notebooks:
- Diffusive hillslope evolution, example from Umstead Park, NC
- Channel evolution in LandLab
- Ecohydrology model in landlab, Cellular Automaton Tree-Grass-Shrub Simulator on DEM
- Landlab component library tutorial
- Landlab notebooks in Anna's Binder ca be used if you cannot install landlab jupyter notebooks on your machine