Imagery Processing

Center for Geospatial Analytics at North Carolina State University

Justyna Jeziorska, Helena Mitasova & Corey White


  • Understand the photogrammetric data processing as a multistep process;
  • Indicate data needed for orthophoto/DTM generation from aerial imagery;
  • Understand the difference between interior and exterior orientation of the photo;
  • Describe the workflow of geoprocessing of aerial imagery in designated software (Agisoft Metashape Professional);

Photogrammetric process

Photogrammetric process

Data processing

UAS data

What do we get after the flight mission?

Digital imagery

  • usually on the camera SD card
  • can be geotagged (depends on camera)
    • Camera lens location is “written into” each photo’s EXIF file
    • this is not necessarily the case…

Flight log

  • Onboard Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) accurately measures the orientation of airborne sensors,
  • Information is logged into a text file (flight log),
  • Contains elements of exterior orientation (EO, more later in the lecture)

GCP coordinates

  • Measured by GPS coordinates of the panels set before the flight
  • Photo ID points (distinguishable ground features) can be surveyed later on
  • It is important to know the GCPs coordinate system (spatial reference system)

Spatial reference system

  • Defines how the two-dimensional, projected map in your GIS is related to real places on the earth
  • It is crucial to know what is your data reference system!

UAS data processing outputs

What do we get after processing the data?


  • Aerial imagery geometrically corrected (“orthorectified”) such that the scale is uniform
  • Raster: consists of red, green, and blue bands

Digital Surface Model

  • DEM/DTM - Digital Elevation Model / Digital Terrain Model
    • Representation of a terrain’s elevation
    • Bare-earth raster grid
  • DSM - Digital Surface Model
    • Representation of a visible surface
    • Captures the natural and built features on the Earth’s surface


  • Representation of the external surface of an object
  • Set of vertices in a three-dimensional coordinate system
  • Vector or raster?
  • Dale Lutz once said, “point cloud is a badly behaved raster”

Multiple-view geometry

  • Scene geometry (structure):
    Given 2D point matches in two or more images, where are the corresponding points in 3D?
  • Correspondence (stereo matching):
    Given a point in just one image, how does it constrain the position of the corresponding point in another image?
  • Camera geometry (motion):
    Given a set of corresponding points in two or more images, what are the camera matrices for these views?

What do we need?

  1. Digital imagery;
  2. (Digital elevation model or topographic dataset);
  3. Exterior orientation parameters from aerial triangulation or IMU;
  4. (Camera calibration report);
  5. (Ground Control Points parameters);
  6. Photogrammetric processing software that utilizes collinearity equations.

Items in brackets are optional

Digital imagery

Structure from Motion (SfM)

  • Range imaging technique
  • Process of estimating 3D structures from 2D image sequences
  • May be coupled with local motion signals

Exterior orientation (EO)

EO = Position and orientation in the object space

6 elements necessary for any photogrammetric processing:

  • X, Y, and Z of the exposure station position (latitude, longitude, and altitude of the camera)
  • Angular orientation: ω, φ, and κ (yaw, pitch, and roll)

Flight log

  • Log file contains elements of exterior orientation that are measured by onboard Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and written into a text file
  • Sometimes (most DJI products) exterior orientation parameters are saved in photos’ EXIF file
  • Log contains information about the location of the camera, not the location of the depicted object - more info in this section of lecture 3

Interior orientation

  • In the past: camera calibration report
  • Now: Self-calibration (auto-calibration) is the process of determining intrinsic camera parameters directly from uncalibrated images

  • Can be automatically derived using Structure from Motion (SfM) methods

Ground Control Points

  • GCP - Target in the project area with known 3 coordinates (X, Y, Z or lat, long, alt)
  • For more information about placing targets and importance of GCPs see this section of lecture 3
  • For more information about processing the data with GCPs see intro to the assignment

Processing options

Processing options

Everything boils down to… money (and time)

  • What is my starting budget and equipment?
  • How frequently will I fly?
  • Do I have the experience/training necessary for processing (or am I able to hire people who do)?
  • Do I have time to process the data by myself?

Processing options - software

What did we learn?

  • What is a general workflow for UAS imagery processing
  • How do we transform UAS data into orthophoto, DSM, 3D model, and point cloud