Flight Planning

Center for Geospatial Analytics at North Carolina State University

Justyna Jeziorska, Helena Mitasova & Corey White


  • Phases of flight planning
  • Safety procedures and checklists
  • Ground Control Points and its distirbution and accuracy
  • Flight planning software

UAS Photogrammetric process

Throughout the whole process, it is important to remember:

  • What is the aim or the project?
  • What will be the data used for?

Project Definition

  • Defining the scope of the project
  • Choosing UAS and sensor
  • Assessing the cost, labor, and time consumption
  • Collecting information about terrain

Project Definition

  • Define the area and resolution based on:
    • UAS and sensor capabilities
    • Spatial extent of the mapping area
    • Terrain constraints
    • Project requirements

Project Definition

  • Evaluate the legal constraints, obtain permission
  • Defining the coordinate system:
    • Dependent on the desired coordinate system of the final data
    • Consistent with the coordinate system of GCP survey

Flight planning

  • Mission area assessment
  • Planning geometric parameters
  • Choosing flight planning and flight logging platform
  • Preliminary weather assessment (climate, season, forecasts)
  • Creating a flight plan (software specific)

Placing Ground Control Points (GCPs)

  • A minimum number of 5 GCPs is recommended.
  • 5 to 10 GCPs are usually enough, even for large projects.
  • In cases that the topography of the area is complex, use more GCPs
  • The GCPs should be distributed evenly in the area
  • Do not place the GCPs exactly at the edges of the area

Placing Ground Control Points (GCPs)

Before measuring the GCPs coordinates, the following items must be defined:

  • GCP coordinate system
  • GCP accuracy
  • Topographic equipment (total station or hand held GPS?)

GCPs Accuracy

Factors for defining GCP accuracy:

  • Accuracy needed for the final results
  • Ground Sampling Distance* of the images:
    • GCP target size: 5-10 x
    • GCP accuracy: at least 0.1 GSD

Distance between two consecutive pixel centers measured on the ground

Ground Sampling Distance

Distance between two consecutive pixel centers measured on the ground:

The formula to calculate GSD is:

\[ \text{GSD} = \frac{\text{A} \times \text{S}}{\text{F} \times \text{D}} \]


  • A: Flight Altitude (m)
  • S: Sensor(hight, width) (mm)
  • F: Focal Length (mm)
  • D: Image Dimensions (height, width) (pixels)

Bigger GSD = lower spatial resolution
Smaller GSD = higher spatial resolution

Site evaluation and checklists

  • Terrain check – high obstacles in the take-off, mission, landing, and alternative landing locations
  • Ask the locals about possible air traffic or ground activities
  • Weather check
    • Temperature affects battery life
    • Most of the UAS can’t operate in rain
  • Use checklists, don’t rely on your memory!

Site evaluation and checklists

Site evaluation and checklists

Preflight inspection is required under Part 107.49;

Remote Pilot in Command (RPIC) is required to develop a preflight inspection checklist if the manufacturer has not developed one.

NCDOT Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program

  • The checklist is usually integrated into the UAS flight software or can be obtained from the UAS vendor
  • In case that is not available, a standard Flight Checklist should be made and followed by the flight crew

Note: As of Dec. 1, 2024, North Carolina no longer require commercial and government drone operators to obtain an N.C. permit

Flight control

  • The UAS RPIC should launch, operate, and recover from preset locations so that the aircraft will fly according to the mission plan.
  • Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) - the flight crew should have a clear view of the aircraft at all times, called .
  • Observation locations should be selected for the maximum line of sight throughout the planned flight operations area (Part 107.31).

Flight control

  • RP (Remote Pilot), PMC (Person Manipulating the Flight Controls), and VO (Visual Observer) (if used)
    • must be able to maintain effective communication with each other at all times (Part 107.33).
  • Upon any failure during the flight or any loss of visual contact with the UAS, the RPIC should command the aircraft back to the recovery location or utilize the built-in fail-safe features to recover the aircraft.

Lake Wheeler - Imagery

Lake Wheeler - Aeronautical chart

Lake Wheeler test site

Flight planning software

  • Multiple available platforms
  • Some are dedicated for specific UAS and sold with the system by the manufacturer

How to plan a mapping flight?

UAS Photogrammetric process


  • Fly larger extent than you need.
  • Think about the area you need for analysis

Camera Specs

General camera setting are usally fine.

Optional Settings

  • Mechanical Shutter: On
  • Focus: inf
  • Shutter Priority: 1/800
  • Aspect Ratio: 3/2

Camera Angle

Nadir (Straight down)

  • Most mapping

Oblique (Pitched)

  • 70-80 degrees
  • Improved 3D
  • Buildings
  • Rough Terrain


  • Impacts the flight path

  • AGL = Above Ground Level

  • Altitude (AGL)

    • 70m - 120m
  • Terrain Aware Fligh Path

Altitude 70m Altitude 70m Altitude 120m Altitude 120m

Flight Patterns



Crosshatch Pattern Grid

  • More detail
  • Longer flight times


  • Front and Side

Min Overlap 60% forward 40% Laterial (Side)

Homogeneous Terrian > Overlap


How will overlap impact your flight path?

Drone Speed

~30 km/hr

  • Lighting
  • Camera Shutter
  • Altitude
  • Motion Blur


  • Overcast
  • Noon
  • Avoid Shadows
  • Partly Cloudly


  • Phases of UAS flight planning
  • Safety procedures and checklists for safe flight operations
  • How does our study site look like
  • How to plan a flight