How open source communities and development work
Vaclav (Vashek) Petras
NCSU GIS 595-601: Tools for open geospatial science
September 13, 2017
Motivation for open source
- 80% of developers used open source in past 12 months
- 99% in India and China
- numbers greater for students in general
- quality, customizability, no vendor lock-in, flexibility, interoperability
- no license fees
- 2014 survey by Forrester Research (presented at All Things Open 2014)
- PCWorld: 10 Reasons Open Source Is Good for Business
Science and software
- software must be available to readers [Nature Methods - 4, 189, 2007]
- source code part of method description [Ince et al. 2012, Morin et al. 2012]
- reproducibility, replicability, and repeatability required [Fehr et al. 2016]
- use of open source tools part of reproducibility [Lees 2012]
Happy users
Users of open source are more happy when using the software.*
Image credit:
*No research to support that.
Free, Libre and Open Source
Similar to each other:
- open source software
- free software
- free/libre software
Very different from FLOSS:
- proprietary software
- freeware
- shareware
- freemium (clouds and apps)
Free, Libre and Open Source
- free software (FS), open source software (OSS), free and open source software (FOSS), free, libre and open source software (FLOSS)
- the term open source is often used for simplicity
- often used by developers as it refers to a development model
- the term FOSS is often used in geospatial community
- free refers to user's freedom
- open source refers to open development model
- FOSS4G (free and open source software for geospatial)
Four freedoms
- There are four freedoms that user should have:
- the freedom to use the software for any purpose,
- the freedom to change the software to suit your needs,
- the freedom to share the software,
- the freedom to share the changes you make.
Four freedoms
- the free software definition
- by Richard Stallman and Free Software Foundation
GNU logo, a free operating system by FSF
Gratis versus Libre
- for free (at no cost) is not enough
- free software is free to run, study, modify and distribute
- free is a matter of liberty not price
- free as in freedom (as opposed to free as in free beer)
- libre as opposed to gratis
- also: free software != freeware
More than Open Source Code
- having source code is not enough
- Stallman's four freedoms require having the source code
- but just having the source code doesn't imply the freedoms
- open source means also open development, open community, open discussions, …
- not only the possibility to see the source code
- however, source code is publicly and easily accessible
Commercial and FOSS
- FOSS can be used commercially
- FOSS can be commercial but not proprietary
- Famous examples:
Why industry uses open source
- vendor neutrality
- proprietary software has a single vendor (vendor lock-in)
- open source software is independent on particular companies
- open source is not influenced by vendor's current business goals
- flexibility (use where you want, when you want)
- interoperability
- open source aims to support standards
- proprietary software often uses propriety formats
- cost (no license fees, no license management)
- low total cost of ownership
(includes cost to upgrade or migrate)
- support (many free options available by default)
- money not spent on license fees used for support or features
- influence in development (direct access to developers)
Types of FOSS licenses
- copyleft licenses
- example: GNU GPL
- free software licenses (according to four freedoms by FSF)
- code cannot be combined with proprietary (and closed) code into one program
- examples: Linux, R, GRASS GIS, QGIS
Types of FOSS licenses
- permissive licenses
- examples: BSD, MIT
- source code can be modified, closed and sold as proprietary
- more options for the developer
- can combine the source code and software more freely
- can make the new software proprietary
- less freedoms for the user (might not get the source code, thus freedoms)
- example: GDAL used in QGIS as well as in ArcGIS
Users and FOSS licenses
- licenses are mostly important for the developers
- users don't have to worry about the license
- as long as they know that the software is under some known license
- lists of known licenses:
- this is different from proprietary software
- user must read and agree to EULA or similar type of agreement
- license is used in the meaning license to use
- often paid or limited (or both) for proprietary software
- applies to paid software, freeware, online services, …
Who can make changes?
- everybody can make changes
- everybody registered can make changes
Open source projects:
- only people with granted access can make changes
- everybody can view changes
- everybody can discuss changes
- everybody can make changes in their local copy
- everybody can make changes and submit them for approval
Other means of communication
Testing and quality assurance
Sharing and reuse
Example: GRASS GIS temporal framework
- analysis and management of spatio-temporal data
- published paper with description and use cases
- created for environmental modeling
- integrated into GRASS GIS
- we all can use it to work with our temporal data
Gebbert, S., Pebesma, E. (2014). TGRASS: A temporal GIS for field based environmental modeling. Environmental Modelling & Software, 53, 1-12.
Benefits of open source for science
- research depends on software
- open source is available to anyone
- text by itself does not support easy reproducibility
- source code is suitable for reproducing
- hard to report that something does not work
- pointing out things which are wrong works in open source
Other benefits for academia
- each student has all the tools available,
even those which are not used by school
- possibility to work closely with developers
- history of changes and discussions available after years
for everybody to learn
- tools to collaborate and share research results
Open source defaults
- there is no inside and outside
(everybody can access and contribute)
- shared and reproducible
(results and processes)
How to use open source
- if your search for a solution was not successful, ask
- don't wait for feedback form to come in your way
- report bugs if you encounter them
- open source software is something you can change and influence
- if you change something, contribute back
- you cannot maintain your own version
- share your own work to enable reuse
- your research is worth sharing
- incorporate your work into existing projects
- this is the way to preserve it
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