QGIS, a free and open source geographic system
QGIS is a free and open source geographic information system for data management, analysis, and visualization. QGIS is licensed under GNU GPL.
Official website and download: https://qgis.org
- QGIS Training Manual (official tutorial)
- FOSS4G Academy Curriculum (with sources on GitHub)
- Mapping and Geospatial Visualization with QGIS (talk at NCSU CGA Geospatial Studio by Jeff Essic, 53 mins) [main resource]
- QGIS Uncovered (YouTube playlist of videos by Steven Bernard)
- QGIS Tutorials: QGIS in under 10 minutes (YouTube playlist of videos VisionZ)
- GRASS 7.2 and QGIS 2.15 Tutorials (YouTube playlist of videos by Isaac Ullah)