Geospatial Modeling and Analysis

Geomorphometry II: Spatial and Temporal Terrain Analysis

Resources: ESRI Academy (Formerly ESRI virtual campus)

Launch ArcGIS Pro and login with ArcGIS Online credentials if required. Select New> Map> Create New Project. Create a new project in your preferred workspace, in the instructions below we are using the default C:\Users\myname\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\ folder.

Use your judgement to decide which maps to include in your report.

Compute basic topographic parameters from 10m NED

On the Map tab, in the Layer group, click 'Add Data'
Browse to C:\Users\myname\Documents\ArcGIS\582data\ncrast.gdb
select 'elev'
In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select the 'Slope' tool
Set 'Input raster' to 'elev'
Set 'Output raster' to 'Slope_elev'
Set 'Output measurement' to 'DEGREE'
Leave other fields as defaults
Click 'Run'

Do the same for Aspect and Curvature
Try to create a meaningful diverging color table for curvatures with two color shades and light color in the middle.

Compute topographic parameters from SRTM DEM and compare with NED

On the Map tab, in the Layer group, click 'Add Data'
Browse to C:\Users\myname\Documents\ArcGIS\582data\ncrast.gdb
select 'elev_srt'
In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select the 'Slope' tool
Set 'Input raster' to 'elev_srt'
Set 'Output raster' to '.\Analysis\Slope_el_srt'
Set 'Output measurement' to 'DEGREE'
Leave other fields as defaults
Click 'Run'

right mouse click 'Slope_el_srt->Symbology->primary symbology 'Classify' 
Classes tab->more->'Show Statistics'

Compare mean and stddev in Classification statistics with 10m NED derived slope.
Explain the differences between slope from 10m NED and 30m SRTM.

Compare slope and aspect, from TIN and from 1m raster DEM

Use a previously created TIN or create a new one,
see the first assignment of two covering the topic of Spatial interpolation.
On the Map tab, in the Layer group, click 'Add Data'
Browse to C:\Users\myname\Documents\ArcGIS\582data\ncshape.gdb
select elev_lid792_randpts

Create TIN 'tin' in 3D Analyst from these points if you don't have it already:

In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select the 'Create TIN' tool
Set 'Output TIN' to 'lid792_TIN'
Set Input Feature Class to 'elev_lid792_randpts'
Set the 'height field' to 'value_'
Set 'Type' to 'Mass_Points'
Click 'Run'

Compute slope.

In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select the 'Surface Slope' tool
Set 'Input Surface' to 'lid792_tin'
Set 'Output Feature Class' as 'tin_SurfaceSlope' 
Set 'Slope Units' to 'DEGREE'
Click 'Run'

Do the same for Surface Aspect to create: 'tin_SurfaceAspect'.

Derive slope from 1m raster DEM:

On the Map tab, in the Layer group, click 'Add Data'
Browse to C:\Users\myname\Documents\ArcGIS\582data\ncrast.gdb
select 'e_lid_792'
In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select the 'Slope' tool
Set 'Input raster' to 'e_lid_792'
Set 'Output raster' to 'slope_elid72'
Click 'Run'

Choose similar color table as for the TIN. To get more continuous color table:

right mouse click 'Slope_elid72' 
Select 'Symbology'
Method "Natural Breaks'
Change Classes to 32
Click 'OK'

Compute the aspect and curvature.
For curvature change the color table to one that has lighter break in the middle.
Compare the resulting slope, aspect and curvature with the topographic parameters derived from TIN.