Geospatial Modeling and Analysis

Schedule and links to the course material

Schedule will be adjusted as needed during the semester. Assignments, which are due at the same date, should be delivered in a single report.

Week Lecture/Assignment Topic and Project Tasks Assignment due date
August 20 Introduction to the Course (Course instructions, management and resources)
1. Geospatial Data Acquisition, Getting Started with Open Source GIS
August 27
August 27 2.A Geospatial Data: Models September 10
September 3 2.B Geospatial Data: Display and visualization September 10
September 10 3.A Geospatial Analysis: Global, zonal and focal operations, map algebra
Read Project proposal instructions, project resources, think about your topic
October 1
September 17 Wellness Break
September 24 3.B Geospatial Analysis: Buffers, cost surfaces, least cost path
Project proposal (2 pages), submit on Moodle in the Project Proposal section (PDF file named LastnameFirstname_Proposal.pdf)
see Proposal instructions, project resources
October 1
October 1 4.A Spatial interpolation: methods
Work on the project: acquire data (see data providers), process into a consistent data set
October 16
October 8 4.B Spatial interpolation: splines
Read information about upcoming midterm exam
October 16
October 14-15 Fall Break
October 17-18 Midterm exam
  • Handled by Moodle, no on-campus presence is needed
  • Questions with instructions will be provided through Moodle Announcement on Thursday, October 17 around 9 am
  • Answers are due on Saturday, October 19 at 11.45 pm, uploaded to Moodle (see Moodle Midterm section) as a PDF file named LastnameFirstname_Exam.pdf
October 19
October 22 5.A Geomorphometry: Terrain modeling
Work on the project: analyze and visualize data, start developing workflow
November 5
October 29 5.B Geomorphometry: Spatial and temporal terrain analysis
Work on the project: Test preliminary workflow for your analysis/modeling, identify missing data or tools
November 5
November 5 6. Viewshed, solar energy potential analysis
Work on the project: post a brief project progress report on the Project Discussion Forum by November 12

November 12
November 12 7.A Flow routing, watershed analysis
Project: Complete preliminary results, evaluate what is missing or causing problems
Fall 2024 project titles
November 26
November 19 7.B Introduction to GIS-based Modeling of Geospatial Processes, Hydrologic and Erosion modeling
Project: Work on results, visualization, statistical summaries, graphical output
November 26
November 26 Work on your project
November 27-29 Thanksgiving Break
December 3 Project presentations, post presentation recordings, work on project paper presentation December 5

paper December 9
December 9 Last day to submit a project paper Decmeber 9

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