Introduction to human mobility pattern analysis
We will cover the following tasks:
- per cell correlation maps between variables: binned or interpolated participant data with visualization over lidar DSM, computing viewsheds and distances to attractions
- basic vector operations (clipping), computing and analyzing kernel density maps of participants travelling patterns, distances to attractions (Overijssel)
- viewshed composition summaries and viewshed maps for cycklists, relations to participant data (CHIPS)
- working with own data, identifying suitable data and tools, setting up a project location
We will use open data from Netherlands in two coordinate reference systems (CRS):
- EPSG 4326: geographic coordinates longitude,latitude referenced to WGS84 elipsoid used by most GPS
- EPSG:28992 (Amersfoort / RD New ): projected coordinate system used in NL (onlique stereographic projection with Bessel elipsoid)
Learn more (slides with brief description and related links):
- mapping and georeferenced CRS
- raster and feature (vectorr) geospatial data models
- conversion between geospatial data formats in GDAL with powerful comandline tools for geospatial data processing. GDAL is used in R, QGIS, GRASS GIS and many others.
Netherlands provides standardized geospatial data through PDOK web portal.
Before starting it is useful to go through GRASS GIS Quickstart and learn some GRASS GIS terminology for its data organization.
The workshop data should be downloaded using links provided through email
Now, let us organize our work:
- Move the unzipped folder
(this is our project location) into thegrassdata
directory (grass database) created automatically when installing GRASS GIS. - Then create a directory
. We will use it for external (non-GRASS) geospatial data, for example, data downloaded from on-line repositories or or your georeferenced participant data. You can also use it for various supporting files (color ramps, series lists, etc.) and your outputs. Move
into yourgiswork
Start GRASS - click on GRASS icon or typegrass
In data catalog select grassdata
as your database and nl_epsg28992_amersfoort_workshp
as your location (project) which has several mapsets (shown as subdirectories). Double-click
on nuenen_outdoor
and select Switch mapset
- nuenen_outdoor
will be
shown in bold and we can start working with our data.
Note: You can work in GRASS GIS through the graphical user interface (GUI) or using command line interface (CLI) by typing (or copy-paste) commands in the Console or for linux/mac Grass Terminal You can write your workflpws as python scripts and share them in Jupyter notebooks (not covered yet here).
Display the available data
In data catalog (Data tab) display the data by double click on the listed map layer - it will be added to the display and the layer manager (Layers tab). To display the aerial photography and urban topography select (double click) ortho_vinc_patch05, dsm_05mfill, dsm_05mfillsh
. To manage the displayed layers switch to Layers
and you can change the opacity of dsm_05mfillsh
(right click and select Change opacity level) to create
a colored shaded relief. On the bottom of the Layer manager window you can see the command line (CLI) equivalents
of displaying data:
d.rast ortho_vinc_patch05
d.rast dsm_05mfill
d.rast dsm_05mfillsh
in a similar way we can display the points that represent our exhibits and the participant data,
to use CLI you can paste these commands into Console or just double click the layer in the Data catalog:
d.vect map=exhibits_all_om@nuenen_outdoor icon=basic/circle size=10
d.vect nu_all_hres size=2
To transform our point data into a continuous point density representation we can compute a kernel density map - it approximates the pattern of most used areas in terms of number of people and time. First we define the spatial extent and resolution for our analysis, then we run the kernel density tool and finally we adjust the output color ramp and display only values above min threshold:
g.region raster=dsm_05mfill res=0.5
v.kernel nu_all_hres out=kd_nu_all_hres rad=7 kern=epanechnikov
r.null setnull=0 map=kd_nu_all_hres
r.colors kd_nu_all_hres co=gyr
We can import and rasterize our participant data directly from the csv files.
To access the files without the need to specify full path we
change working directory to giswork
Settings > GRASS working environment > Change working directory > select giswork
or type cd
(stands for change directory) into the GUI Console and hit Enter:
Now you can use the commands requiring external supporting text files without the need to specify the full path to the file.
To perform processing and analysis of our participant data we set the spatial extent to existing raster dsm_05mfill and the grid (raster) resolution to 2m. In our example below we rasterize (bin) the point data upon import using mean phasic z computed from points in each grid cell for each participant:
g.region raster=dsm_05mfill res=2 in=opt11h.csv out=opt11_mean_2m meth=mean sep=, x=3 y=4 z=13 skip=0 in=opt13h.csv out=opt13_mean_2m meth=mean sep=, x=3 y=4 z=13 skip=0 in=opt14h.csv out=opt14_mean_2m meth=mean sep=, x=3 y=4 z=13 skip=0 in=opt20h.csv out=opt20_mean_2m meth=mean sep=, x=3 y=4 z=13 skip=0 in=opt21h.csv out=opt21_mean_2m meth=mean sep=, x=3 y=4 z=13 skip=0
number of participants per each grid cell
r.series in=opt11_mean_2m,opt20_mean_2m,opt14_mean_2m,opt13_mean_2m,opt21_mean_2m out=opt_count_2m meth=count
Note that if our data are in csv format we can import them as points using or commands
and then rasterize them (perform the binning) using the add-on tool
r.vect.stats. Use g.extension tool
to install an addon.
To compute the correlation between the survey data (recommendation level) and the physiological response
(mean phasic z) we first order the participants by recommendation level
11 - 0
20 - 7
14 - 8
13 - 9
21 - 9
and then we compute the mean and regression for a subset for grid cells with at least 3 participants opt_slope out=opt_slope
r.series in=opt11_mean,opt14_mean,opt20_mean,opt13_mean,opt21_mean out=opt_mean meth=mean
r.series in=opt11_mean,opt14_mean,opt20_mean,opt13_mean,opt21_mean out=opt_slope meth=slope
r.series in=opt11_mean0,opt20_mean7,opt14_mean8,opt13_mean9,opt21_mean9 out=opt_slope meth=slope
r.series in=opt11_mean0,opt20_mean7,opt14_mean8,opt13_mean9,opt21_mean9 out=opt_detcoef meth=detcoef
To compute weighted mean phasic we first change nulls to zeroes and compute the weighted mean using
map algebra tool r.mapcalc:
r.null opt11_mean null=0
r.null opt13_mean null=0
r.null opt14_mean null=0
r.null opt20_mean null=0
r.null opt21_mean null=0
r.mapcalc "opt_partwmeanph = (opt11_n*opt11_mean + opt13_n*opt13_mean + opt14_n*opt14_mean + opt20_n*opt20_mean + opt21_n*opt21_mean) \
/(opt11_n + opt13_n + opt14_n + opt20_n + opt13_n)"
To create continuous representation map for mean phasic z and correlation coefficient
we first set the grid resolution to 0.5m, then convert our 2m resolution r.series outputs
to points and interpolate the 0.5m resolution maps using smoothing spline with tension
g.region res=0.5 -z in=opt_partwmeanph out=opt_partwmeanph type=point in=opt_partwmeanph elev=opt_partwmeanph_rstdef
r.colors opt_partwmeanph_rstdef rules=co_phasic_pmean.txt -z in=opt_detcoef out=opt_detcoef type=point in=opt_detcoef elev=opt_detcoef
r.colors opt_detcoef rules=co_detcoef.txt
switch to mapset in a different location
Workflows for this part and more Nuennen and CHIPS analysis are available as text files and selected subsets will be added here.
To add the newly output pngs to a web map continue by following the instructions found in the next tutorial here