1. Introduction to Geocomputation
1.A Foundations
- geocomputation definitions
- motivations for geosimulation
- models for geosimulation and their properties
- applications in science and practice
Supplemental materials:
- Geocomputation and geosimulation:
- Detailed Definition of Geocomputation (archived from geocomputation.org)
- Geocomputation with R
- Geocomputation with Python
- Geocomputation: A Practical Primer
- Geosimulation with focus on urban environments, includes crowd simulations
Castle C, Crooks A T, de Smith M J, Goodchild M F and Longley P A (2018) Geocomputational methods and modeling,
Chapter 8 in de Smith M J, Goodchild M F, and Longley P A (2018) Geospatial Analysis, 6th ed, The Winchelsea Press, UK
- Open source software development and GRASS GIS
Learn how to perform basic geospatial processing and visualization in GRASS GIS:
1.B Dynamic spatial phenomena
- observation time series and multitemporal data
- fundamental physical, biological, and socio-economic processes
- static and dynamic simulations
- managing geospatial multitemporal data
- dynamic visualization
Supplemental materials:
Gebbert, S., Pebesma, E., 2014. A temporal GIS for field based environmental modeling.
Environmental Modelling and Software 53, 1-12.
- Gebbert, S., Pebesma, E. 2017. The GRASS GIS temporal framework. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31, 1273-1292
- Brief introduction to GRASS GIS Temporal Framework
- GIS-based Analysis of Coastal Lidar Time-Series,
access through NCSU libraries
- GRASS GIS and R raster time series processing
- Analyzing multitemporal UAS data
- Visualization of global weather conditions
- Modeling dynamic
processes within GIS, Chapter 8.1.1 in Geospatial Analysis 6th ed.
Learn GRASS GIS Jupyter Notebooks basics, process, analyze and visualize multitemporal data and time series in GRASS GIS:
Homework 1. A and B
Write a brief paper (3-4 pages, including graphics)
about what you have done in these assignments and submit the paper along with the associated notebook(s).
Use your judgment to select what you will write about,
but the structure should follow a short scientific publication.
See more details on the course logistics webpage and a
report guide page.