1. Introduction to Geocomputation
1.A Foundations
- geocomputation definitions
- motivations for geosimulation
- models for geosimulation and their properties
- applications in science and practice
Supplemental materials:
- Geocomputation and geosimulation:
Detailed Definition of Geocomputation (archived from geocomputation.org)
- Geocomputation with R
- Geocomputation with Python
- Geocomputation: A Practical Primer
- Geosimulation with focus on urban environments, includes crowd simulations
Castle C, Crooks A T, de Smith M J, Goodchild M F and Longley P A (2018) Geocomputational methods and modeling,
Chapter 8 in de Smith M J, Goodchild M F, and Longley P A (2018) Geospatial Analysis, 6th ed, The Winchelsea Press, UK
- Open source software development and GRASS GIS
Learn how to perform basic and more complex geospatial processing, modeling and visualization in GRASS GIS:
1.B Dynamic spatial phenomena
- observation time series and multitemporal data
- fundamental physical, biological, and socio-economic processes
- static and dynamic simulations
- managing geospatial multitemporal data
- dynamic visualization
Supplemental materials:
Gebbert, S., Pebesma, E., 2014. A temporal GIS for field based environmental modeling.
Environmental Modelling and Software 53, 1-12.
- Gebbert, S., Pebesma, E. 2017. The GRASS GIS temporal framework. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31, 1273-1292
- Brief introduction to GRASS GIS Temporal Framework
- GIS-based Analysis of Coastal Lidar Time-Series,
access through NCSU libraries
- GRASS GIS and R raster time series processing
- Analyzing multitemporal UAS data
- Visualization of global weather conditions
- Modeling dynamic
processes within GIS, Chapter 8.1.1 in Geospatial Analysis 6th ed.
Process, analyze and visualize multitemporal data and time series in GRASS GIS:
Homework 1. A and B
Submit notebbok(s) associated with the assignment and a proposal for your dissertation-related project.
In your proposal, highlight the computational components as well as the related spatial and temporal scales of your data, analyses or modeling.