GIS/MEA 584:
Mapping and Analysis Using UAS

Schedule and links to material

  • Schedule will be adjusted as needed during the semester.
Week Lecture/Assignment Topic and Project Tasks Assignment due date
May 17-19 Introduction to the course Topic 1: UAS basics
A. Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Systems and
B. Rules and regulations for UAS operations
  • listen to the lectures,
  • assignment 1A: prepare presentation on UAS applications,
  • assignment 1B: UAS Rule Part 107 test subset
1A (presentation) due May 23rd,
1B (test subset) due May 24th
May 22-26 Topic 2: Structure from Motion
A. From images to 3D models: Photogrammetry and Structure from Motion concepts
  • Listen to the lecture
  • assignment 2A: 3D models from indoor photos

Project: Submit proposal
2A will be due June 9th (together with 2B)
Project proposal due June 2nd !!! Extended to June 5th
May 29 - June 3 Topic 3: UAS flight planning
  • Listen to the lecture and Intro to flight planning
UAS FLIGHT on Wed May 31st at 1:30pm - not mandatory, just for those who can join Topic 2: Structure from Motion B. UAS Imagery processing
  • Listen to the lectures and intro to the assignment
Project: Start data acquisition
Assignment 3 (flight planning) due June 5th !!! Exteneded to June 7th
Assignment 2 (A and B) due June 9th
June 5 - 9

Topic 4: GIS analytics
A. Analysis of UAS data processing results
B. Point cloud data analysis: point clouds, surfaces, and voxel models

  • Listen to the lectures
Project: finalize data acquisition, data processing
4A and B due June 13th
June 12-16

Topic 5: Advanced analytics
A. UAS and lidar data: comparison, fusion and analysis
B. Analysis of multitemporal UAS data and its applications

  • Listen to the lectures
Project: analysis of the results, preparing presentation and paper
Project presentation and paper requirements, final project titles
5A and B due June 21st
June 19 - 23 Project presentations (See the requirements and project titles)
  • record your presentation (recordings also due June 20th),
    • use: Open Broadcaster Software (tutorial), MS Powerpoint, Libre Office, or any other software with similar recording functionality.
    • Upload the presentation to Moodle or, if the file is too big, upload your file to Google drive and share it with the instructor. Please keep the presentation to 10 minutes and name your file LastnameFirstname_Presentation.avi, LastnameFirstname_Presentation.pptx (or whatever format you use).
  • Finish project paper and upload it to Moodle as a pdf file LastnameFirstname_Paper.pdf
Presentations due June 19th
Final paper due June 20th

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