Geospatial Modeling and Analysis

2. Geospatial Data

2.A Geospatial data models

  • raster and vector data models
  • raster-vector conversions and resampling
  • geospatial formats, conversions, geospatial data abstraction library
  • data repositories


Lecture slides: Geospatial data models

Supplemental materials:

Assignment part A: Geospatial data models, conversions, resampling

2.B Data display and visualization

  • display of continuous and discrete data,
  • use of color and shading to extract spatial patterns and relationships
  • 3D visualization: single and multiple surfaces
  • dynamic visualization
  • tangible geospatial modeling


Lecture slides: Geospatial data visualization

Supplemental materials:

Assignment part B: Data display and visualization

Homework 2. A and B

Following the results of Assignments 2A, 2B, write a paper that describes geospatial data models and their conversions (changing raster resolution, vector data type, raster to vector and vector to raster) methods and results. Also explain methods and results for graphical representation of continuous and discrete geospatial data. Demonstrate the use of multiple surfaces for visual analysis of the difference between the bare ground surface and multiple return surface with vegetation. Make sure to answer all questions in the assignments and include all images saved with d.out.file in the GRASS GIS part, use your judgement to decide which images to include from ArcGIS Pro outputs.