height = 600 ;
width = 800 ;
const THREE = window . THREE = await require ("three@0.130.0/build/three.min.js" );
await require ("three@0.130.0/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js" ). catch (() => {});
await require ("three@0.130.0/examples/js/loaders/OBJLoader.js" ). catch (() => {});
await require ("three@0.130.0/examples/js/loaders/GLTFLoader.js" ). catch (() => {});
return THREE;
SimplexNoise = {
const SimplexNoise = window . SimplexNoise = await require ("simplex-noise@2.4.0/simplex-noise.js" );
return SimplexNoise;
// Create the renderer
renderer = {
const renderer = new THREE. WebGLRenderer ({ antialias : true });
renderer. setSize (width, height);
return renderer;
// Set up scene, camera, and light
scene = new THREE. Scene ();
camera = new THREE. PerspectiveCamera (75 , width / height, 0.1 , 1000 );
camera. position . set (0 , 15 , 15 );
controls = {
const controls = new THREE. OrbitControls (camera, renderer. domElement );
controls. enableDamping = true ;
controls. dampingFactor = 0.25 ;
controls. enableZoom = true ;
return controls;
// Create the terrain using Simplex Noise
terrainGeometry = {
const widthSegments = 100 ;
const heightSegments = 100 ;
const geometry = new THREE. PlaneGeometry (10 , 10 , widthSegments, heightSegments);
const simplex = new SimplexNoise ();
const vertices = geometry. attributes . position . array ;
// Modify the z-coordinates of the vertices using Simplex Noise
for (let i = 0 ; i < vertices. length ; i += 3 ) {
const x = vertices[i];
const y = vertices[i + 1 ];
vertices[i + 2 ] = simplex. noise2D (x * 0.3 , y * 0.3 ) / 2.0 ; // Reduce amplitude
geometry. computeVertexNormals (); // Recompute normals after modifying vertices
return geometry;
// Create the terrain mesh
terrain = {
const material = new THREE. MeshStandardMaterial ({ color : 0x228b22 , wireframe : true });
const mesh = new THREE. Mesh (terrainGeometry, material);
mesh. rotation . x = - Math . PI / 2 ; // Rotate to make horizontal
scene. add (mesh);
return mesh;
// Anchor points on the terrain surface, adjusted for terrain rotation
anchorPoints = {
const positions = terrainGeometry. attributes . position . array ;
const points = [];
for (let i = 0 ; i < 50 ; i++ ) { // Create 50 random anchor points
const index = Math . floor (Math . random () * (positions. length / 3 )) * 3 ;
const point = new THREE. Vector3 (positions[index], positions[index + 1 ], positions[index + 2 ]);
// Correct for terrain rotation
point. applyMatrix3 (terrain. matrixWorld );
points. push (point);
const anchorMaterial = new THREE. PointsMaterial ({ color : 0xff0000 , size : 0.25 });
const anchorGeometry = new THREE. BufferGeometry (). setFromPoints (points);
const anchorMesh = new THREE. Points (anchorGeometry, anchorMaterial);
scene. add (anchorMesh);
return points;
// Create the line material and add the lines to the scene
uavlineMaterial = {
const uavlineMaterial = new THREE. LineDashedMaterial ({
color : 0xff0000 , // Red color
dashSize : 0.1 , // Length of dashes
gapSize : 0.1 , // Length of gaps between dashes
return uavlineMaterial;
// UAV path and camera representation, with paths as lines
uavCameras = {
const uavPath1 = [];
const stepSize = 0.25 ;
const rowDistance = 0.25 ;
const startX = - 5 , endX = 5 , startZ = - 5 , endZ = 5 ;
const startY = 3 ;
const endY = 3 ;
let direction = 1 ;
for (let z = startZ; z <= endZ; z += rowDistance) {
if (direction === 1 ) {
for (let x = startX; x <= endX; x += stepSize) {
uavPath1. push (new THREE. Vector3 (x, startY, z));
} else {
for (let x = endX; x >= startX; x -= stepSize) {
uavPath1. push (new THREE. Vector3 (x, endY, z));
direction *= - 1 ;
const uavLineGeometry = new THREE. BufferGeometry ();
uavLineGeometry. setFromPoints (uavPath1);
const uavLine1 = new THREE. Line (uavLineGeometry, uavlineMaterial);
uavLine1. computeLineDistances (); // Required for dashed lines
scene. add (uavLine1);
// Create UAV camera mesh representations
const cameraMaterial1 = new THREE. MeshBasicMaterial ({ color : 0xff0000 });
const cameraGeometry = new THREE. SphereGeometry (0.1 , 32 , 32 );
const uavCamera1 = new THREE. Mesh (cameraGeometry, cameraMaterial1);
scene. add (uavCamera1);
return { uavCamera1, uavPath1, uavLine1, uavLineGeometry };
uavFrustum1 = {
const uavFrustum1 = new THREE. CameraHelper (camera);
// scene.add(uavFrustum1);
return uavFrustum1;
function createLine (pointA, pointB, color = 0xffffff ) {
const geometry = new THREE. BufferGeometry (). setFromPoints ([pointA, pointB]);
const material = new THREE. LineBasicMaterial ({ color });
const line = new THREE. Line (geometry, material);
scene. add (line);
return line;
linesPass1 = [];
linePass1 = {
anchorPoints. forEach (point => {
linesPass1. push (createLine (uavCameras. uavPath1 [0 ], point, 0x00ffff ));
return linesPass1;
// Create lines from the UAV cameras to anchor points
uavFOVPlane = {
// Create a plane to represent the UAV's field of view
const planeGeometry = new THREE. PlaneGeometry (2 , 2 ); // Adjust size as needed
const planeMaterial = new THREE. MeshBasicMaterial ({ color : 0x00ff00 , side : THREE. DoubleSide }); // Solid fill color
const uavFOVPlane = new THREE. Mesh (planeGeometry, planeMaterial);
scene. add (uavFOVPlane);
return uavFOVPlane;
// Animation loop, moving the UAVs along their paths
let uavIndex = 0 ;
let lastUpdateTime = 0 ;
const updateInterval = 50 ; // Milliseconds between updates
while (true ) {
requestAnimationFrame (() => {
const { uavCamera1, uavPath1, uavLine1, uavLineGeometry } = uavCameras;
// Move UAV cameras along the path
// Move the UAV cameras along their paths
uavIndex = (uavIndex + 1 ) % uavPath1. length ;
uavCamera1. position . copy (uavPath1[uavIndex]);
// uavCamera2.position.copy(uavPath2[uavIndex]);
if (uavIndex < uavPath1. length - 1 ) {
const newPoints = uavPath1. slice (0 , uavIndex + 1 );
uavLineGeometry. setFromPoints (newPoints);
uavLine1. computeLineDistances (); // Required for dashed lines
// Update the positions of the lines to keep them connected to the moving UAV cameras
linesPass1. forEach ((line, index) => {
const linePositions = line. geometry . attributes . position . array ;
const anchorPoint = anchorPoints[index];
// Update the line's start point (UAV camera position)
linePositions[0 ] = uavCamera1. position . x ;
linePositions[1 ] = uavCamera1. position . y ;
linePositions[2 ] = uavCamera1. position . z ;
// Update the line's endpoint (anchor point on the terrain)
linePositions[3 ] = anchorPoint. x ;
linePositions[4 ] = anchorPoint. y ;
linePositions[5 ] = anchorPoint. z ;
line. geometry . attributes . position . needsUpdate = true ;
// // Update the UAV's field of view plane position and orientation
uavFOVPlane. position . set (uavCamera1. position . x , 0 , uavCamera1. position . z ); // Set y to 0 to place it on the terrain surface
uavFOVPlane. rotation . x = - Math . PI / 2 ; // Rotate to align with the terrain surface
controls. update (); // Update orbit controls
renderer. render (scene, camera); // Render scene
await Promises. delay (updateInterval);